Dayara Bugyal Trekking FAQs

Generally asked questions are -

Dayara bugyal is situated in the district Uttarkashi of the state Uttarakhand.
The total distance of the trek is 20 km.
Distance between Delhi to Dayara bugyal is around 445 km. Out of 445 km 435 will be covered by vehicles and around 10 km is trek.
If you are trekking with your friends then sleeping bags, tents, utensils, food, water bottles, medical kit and a map and all that depends on the things you buy. If you go with guides and with travel agencies then it may cost from Rs7500 to Rs 11000 per person depending upon the agency you choose.
Although this trek is fairly easy but is at high altitude so if you have breathing issues or knee pain then it is not advised to go there. If you are fit then age is no limit for you.
Yes, it is completely safe for a woman to go on this trek. This is an easy trek and people there are simple villagers.
No, as it is a usual trekking are there are no dangerous animals there. Small animals and birds can be seen. The place is at height so people with fear of heights should not go there. The weather can get cold at any time so warm clothes should be packed along with raincoats.
This trek usually takes four days. But situation can change depending upon the weather.
No, there are no toilets available. You have to carry toilet tents or dig cat holes.
No, there are no hospitals or clinics in that area. Nearest will be in Uttarkashi. It is advised to keep your own medical kit.
Yes, you can rent a mule to carry your bag. But you have to make that arrangement prior either by call or through some agent.
Any kind of trekking group can go there as it is an easy trek. The group can be all girls or all boys or for families. People of higher age can also go there as the incline is gentle. It all depends on your fitness and medical condition.